
So what do y’all think of the latest Overwatch hero/

I'm a bit mixed. I do like her design, and her animations are on point. But at the same time, I'm sure this character is going to be drowing in legendary skins, and Venture will still not have any! I'm sure there is a marketing guy saying "Sorry, Venture is too goofy to sell skins for, spreadsheet says we need more conventially attractive petite women".

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  1. To be honest, she looks like a skin for a different character. Like it’s a cool style, but it feels like something you’d find in the store as “Space girl Kiriko/Tracer/Sombra.”

    She’s super cute though and her abilities look interesting, so I’ll probably give her a shot next time I reinstall the game.

  2. :/ sad that she’s so generic. Incredibly disappointed by when I tried to see people’s thoughts on the trailer and open the comments on any platform it’s just sexualized comments on her design. Hopefully she’s at least fun, just sad that they keep making these generic type of heroes because they sell more skins. I understand the devs get a % on skin sales so they are incensitivised to make heroes that sell maximum amount of skins :/

  3. Liked the voice actor (Haru from Persona 5 / Marianne from FE: 3 houses), and like the space design. However, it feels… lacking for me. I guess my main issue is that the suit feels skin tight, like Tracer’s or Widowmaker’s. I don’t think it’s as excessive as either of them, but I kinda see why they designed her that way. Juno is a support unit, which are generally on the frail side. While standard astronaut suits tend to be a lot bulkier, that would make Juno seem like a tank ir DPS, something she is not. Still, I feel like there were better ways to communicate that than ‘skintight jumpsuit’, even though I dont have any other ideas. At least the boots and the helmet look cool.

    Compared to designs like Zarya, Ramattra, Mauga, Venture, Sigma, Sombra, Ana, Mei, and even Kiriko, Juno seems a bit faceless. Other than ‘cute and bubbly’ (which is a set of traits that pretty easily defines Diva, Mei, and even Tracer to some extent), she doesn’t have a lot going for her compared to the rest of the cast. In a vacuum, I really do like her design as a floaty spacewoman, but I feel like deviating from ‘Petite woman’ would have been more interesting, like you suggested. Echo is another example of what I mean; I just hated her design because it radiated ‘generic anime robot girl’.

    So, how would I change up Juno’s design? First off, give her a suit that matches the thickness of her boots. I know what I said about character design, but I’d say that a character is more interesting when you choose to deviate from the norm and make them stand out. It shouldn’t be too thick, but enough so that you’d be able to see wrinkles in the space suit, while fully believing that this character can fly. Second, I want to go with ‘sadistic floof’ route. She would tolerate no funny business, even casually speaking against Doomfist, Mauga, and Ashe. (Ex. “Did you know that the human body crumbles to dust when in outer space?”) If she’s intended to be an astronaut, it can be a great way of showing that she’s disconnected from the game’s larger factions, while speaking to a strong sense of justice. It also serves as a pretty good way of subverting the cinnamon roll trope, even if this is a common trope. (Plus, her voice actress can do this. Look at some of the stuff Haru says, it’s genuinely frightening)

  4. She looks literally exactly how a dva/kiriko/tracer/mei space themed skin would look. Really tired of the super safe cutesie petite anime girly aesthetic. It’s been done so much, it’s predictable and boring.

    With that said I do think her kit looks fun and I’ll probably play her but I really wish they’d do something different with her design.

  5. She’s literally just Tracer but slower with a [D.VA](http://D.VA) boost. It seems like very little effort was made into creating this character, and she’s just marketable because she’s cute (**and of course r34 has been starving for a new ow character like this**).

    There is something insanely lacking about her, like it almost feels like her being cute is all that’s to her? Idk, we’ve only seen one (extremely under budgeted) trailer. When she comes out we’ll see what’s what I guess. As of right now though? DEFINITELY the least impressive character I’ve seen from them.

  6. Too generic and no gameplay identity, everything taken from other heroes. Which might, depending on numbers, make those other heroes pointless to play when there’s Juno. Which is a shame, her original design with armor was much better.

  7. I’m kind of sad that she’s the daughter of another character within the lore and not actually that character. I think a lot of us were hoping for an older woman because it’s been so long but I haven’t played her yet so maybe she’ll be fun.

  8. I’m happy that she’s Vietnamese because I am and I main support… it disgusts me everyone is sexualizing her so much. Actually upsetting, but I guess I should expect the absolute lowest from overwatch fans.

    I was also hoping a Vietnamese hero would have a more traditionally Vietnamese design. But since she’s from Mars and her whole thing is being a space ranger, her design is pulling more from a retro space thing I guess. I hope they give her some Vietnamese themed skins. She would look so cute in a áo dài honestly.

  9. Glad to be getting a new support given that I mostly queue all roles and get support 99% of the time. Like the space theme. Curious to see how she plays in practice. Hopefully she’s not as janky as Lifeweaver, who felt like the first time Overwatch has had a total miss in the character department, in my opinion.

  10. She’s cute but idk about her personality. Idk how they managed to nail it with say dva and mei but Kiri and Juno just feel kind of meh? Venture feels super fun/charming and so does lifeweaver so I guess it’s just hit and miss…

  11. Her design is cute (concept art was better tbh) but good god, the lack of personality is… weird. Her gameplay is super fun though. It just feels like all the other characters came out swinging in terms of personality and attitude, and her character is very….. neutral. And not even like, “she’s quiet in a character way” but genuinely just neutral as in, nothing to add. I was really hopeful a space girl would have more…. there :/

  12. When I saw this post, I thought this was a joke. Like this was a character from a game like Overwatch that has those heroes who look super similar to Overwatch characters.

    I love retrofurturism, I think the design is okay. I don’t think it fits in with Overwatch at all, though. It really does seem like a themed skin rather than the base skin for a character.

  13. No joke, I literally thought this was just another Tracer skin. Admittedly I haven’t played OW in a while, but this is shockingly bad character design for a fast paced FPS where micro-second visual information is critical to the gameplay. 

  14. She looks like a generic cute girl support. Like kiriko is. She’s probably gonna sell a lot of skins, while i love cute things I hate seeing older characters get left in the dust for skins. Ramattra and venture deserve way better bc I know Juno will have skins pumped out for her.

  15. I’m honestly just happy we get another support character. Her design is cute and her powers are fun. I’m trying to not look on the downside because Venture is popular (I see people play them all the time), but it does make me side eye the marketing team. I personally wanted another black hero but that’s just me

  16. I’m not playing this game so I don’t know anything beyond the designs of a few characters. She’s really pretty, but that’s about it really. For a game like this the character’s personality matters, so I hope she’s really fun or cool while playing as well.

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