
I’m in a game rut and I don’t know what to play next, please give me suggestions!

I’ve been in such a rut lately and I just want something new to play! I’ve been really into Palia recently but I’m almost caught up on all of the current quests in it so I’m running out of things to do. I’ve also had the itch to redo my animal crossing island again for the millionth time, but the actual monotony of undecorating the island and moving buildings has me unable to even open the game.

Please give me suggestions!

Please no farming, I’m so tired of farming, and no dead grandparents if it can be helped

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  1. I have been in a rut, too, but I do have some suggestions that I think might fit your bill.

    V Rising. It’s fun, even solo. Character customization and progression, resource collecting – which you eventually get minions to do – build your castle, and customize it.

    Pacific Drive. It’s strangely chill even though it has game mechanics to build a sense of stress and need to rush. Something about the loneliness, soundtrack, and story makes it really fun. Plus, you get to customize the hell out of your car with fun things like glow in the dark stars.

    Dave the Diver. It’s fun and a little quirky.

    Raft. Also chill, and if you are on PC, you can get mods to really customize your boat or to remove the shark.

    Littlewood. It’s Stardew-esque. No dead grandparents (from what I remember) and not a farming game. You have to collect resources to rebuild a town and uncover your mysterious past, but it has that same chill and lots of things to do without being overwhelming vibe as stardew.

    Pokemon Snap. Low stress, great for just downtime.

    Moonlighter. Again, Stardew vibes, but not farming, you run a shop and dungeon dive.

  2. Commenting to add, I have Nintendo Switch and PS5. I do have a pc too but the most it can handle is Palia or Minecraft on the lowest graphic settings so I don’t game on it much. Mostly play Nancy Drew games on it lol

  3. You’ve got a PS5 so the usual PS5 RPG suspects might be a thing to try…Skyrim, Baldur’s Gate 3, Fallout 4.

    Or dip your toes into some classic SquareSoft, enix and Square-enix titles on PS5 and Switch. Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Dragon Quest.

  4. Depending on whether you can stand physics puzzles well, I’d suggest Immortals: Fenyx Rising. It’s pretty much a BotW style of game, and has a great and funny story IMO along with very neat combat. But some of the mandatory vaults (think BotW shrines) have wacky controlled puzzles. It’s available on switch IIRC.

  5. Since you liked leaving lyndow, you should definitely check out eastshade. It’s by the same studio and I think they’re set in the same universe. Open world, lots of quests and npcs to talk to, it’s lovely <3

  6. Ooo, I feel the same way about so many of those games!

    I love Valheim! You don’t have to farm crops, although it helps. And the dead one in the game is you 🙂 Welcome to the afterlife! Build a castle! Storm the dark forest! Sit and fish and enjoy a sunset! Sail the high (or low) seas! Although, It seems to be a thing that the wind is always against you…
    I love building in “creative” mode and running around exploring. Or just running for my life, (Un-life? Re-life?)

    Aw, I’m a bad reader. Dunno if your computer would run this, but it’s not like it’s ark or anything… too bad you can’t try before you buy.

  7. Mass Effect Legendary Edition. If you feel the fighting is too much, you can switch the difficulty to Story Mode to focus on, well, the story.

    It’s been over 10 years since I first played (and finished) the series and how it made me feel is still so visceral. It’s still my favourite game series of all time. I replay the games (particularly 2 and 3) too often, instead of finishing games I have in my backlog.

  8. Maybe weird platformer like Alice Madness Return and Psychonauts 1/2 and I see no Zelda Twilight Princess there… Little Nightmare series is cool.
    I see no turn based game like Pokemon or Persona there, too…

  9. (ze spy has entered the female only subreddit)

    You should try Valve games! I see you’ve played P2 already.

    Try Left 4 Dead 2 (Not One), it’s a CO-OP Multiplayer Zombie shooter from 2008, so it should run fine. All other zombie games you’ve played will be horseshit compared to this game.

    Or, try Team Fortress 2, that’s a class based team shooter, with a cast of 9 lovable characters! I love the artstyle, and I think you should try it. Just as long as you’re willing to see the cute artstyle mercenaries blown to pieces… Oh, and it’s from 2007.

    ****HONORABLE MENTION!!!****

    POSTAL 2 is a 2003 edgefest of a game, but that’s why it holds a special place in my heart. It features The Postal Dude, a sassy guy with pockets bigger than his…I can’t think of a good joke. The point of the game is that his biatch wife has sent Dude to do chores. Yeah. That’s it.

    JK! These chores almost never go right, and The Dude ends up killing his way through the tasks. Of course, if you’re just THE REINCARNATION OF JEBUS CRIKEY, you can do a pacifist run! I won’t spoil anything else.

    Thanks for reading thus far!

    (Side note, ALL of these games are rated M in the US, But Postal might be a A 18+ in my book.)

  10. I really enjoyed Spider-man Remastered, Rogue Legacy 2 was a fun challenge with surprisingly deep lore, and I dabble in some racing games that aren’t too stressful like Art of Rally and BallisticNG.
    Sonic Frontiers might not be the best for new comers but I enjoyed that too.

  11. Control

    Third-person shooter with additional superpowers. Pretty fun to play. Female main character who’s 3-dimensional, with a flat affect but vibrant personality.

    Action thriller type game. There’s a central mystery, along with a lot of weird And unsettling vibes. Takes place in a government institution that studies paranormal stuff.

    Amazing visuals and music. Very mindfucky at times but still coherent. There are side quests and great DLC to extend your time in the world.

  12. I’m a big fan of Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West. The gameplay is stealth action with a bit of of an emphasis on the action. I usually like playing stealthy when I can but the combat is really solid. Both games have great graphics, an amazing plot, and fun characters. They’re also, in my opinion, one of the games that best utilises its open world aspects. The open worldisf packed full of small details and caches, and the game strikes a great middle ground between giving you quest markers without making you psychically know exactly where you need to go.

  13. Going off of Bioshock I say Infamous Second Son, Dishonored and The Witcher 3. Trust.

    Edit: If you’re interested in zombie games, then The Last of Us is really REALLY good. It’s regarded as one of the best modern games. You can get the 2014 remastered version as it still holds up beautifully and is much cheaper than the recent remake.

    I personally also really enjoyed Dying Light, another zombie game but with heavy emphasis on parkour. It’s a little scary at the start but that goes away once you get stronger weapons. The characters and the story are really fun and there’s a lot of quirky easter eggs that really show the devs had a blast making this game.

    One last addition is Alan Wake 2. It’s really fun, especially with the detective element, but it’s still quite expensive compared to my other suggestions.

  14. Wylde Flowers is a really cute farming sim style game with magic and a plot line.

    You take your dying grandmother’s place in the local coven to keep the balance of nature to prevent disaster from befalling the unaware population of a small port town.

    A solid 8/10 game that’s 100% voice acted.

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