What would you change? What do you agree/disagree with tier wise as a fellow female gamer? Heck, feel free to heckle me for my ever growing list of shame (games I haven't played yet) or add to it by telling me what I'm missing! I added a NSFW tag bc some of these games have some potentially triggering content on their covers.
For those who can't read my awful handwriting the last one says "didn't like but Megalovania is a banger"
How tf is your visual novel/story game taste so impeccable until you put Slay the Princess in “OK” tier, how dare you smh /j
How dare you not even have touched Untitled Goose Game (you’ll beat the whole thing in 2 hours), Stray (1st person KITTY KITTY), or Mass Effect (the best trilogy in the universe)???
Did not like hollow knight, inscryption, and undertale, and has slay the princess as “okay”. The roasting would be way too easy.
the fact that you put undertale in didn’t like is so mind boggling to me that i literally am still thinking about it 5 minutes later
Catherine but no Persona? Interesting
I’m guessing you’ve got at least one set of cat-ear headphones in your closet…
KSP, Hollow Knight, and Slay the Princess in OK?? Heresy. Clearly someone hasn’t made it to the Mun and back. Jebediah is disappointed in you.
Stray and Mass Effect are definitely things you should play asap.
I see Sid Meier’s Pirates in a high tier, I support unambiguously.
Well shit, no wonder you didn’t like Before the Storm, you didn’t play the game it’s a prequel to
Your tier of shame is too small. Heckle heckle. (No Dragon Age, though? Feels like that would sit well with your list. I may be blind, though.) (and my tier of shame is at about 100, soooooo, heckle. 😂)
I’m 100% for minding my own business, but Slay the Princess and Hatoful Boyfriend being ranked that low is *criminal.*
I would roast you but we seem to have almost identical opinions on things. My only issue being Baldur’s Gate 3 is anywhere but the top. I haven’t played through DOS2 yet, but how the hell can that be better than the absolute GOAT’d BG3? (Legitimate question, this infographic has me firing DOS2 up now)
So haha, you have (almost) excellent taste in games, loser
Edit to add: Zoombinis?! Excellent!
I started my Steam account around the time it first came out and pretty much have exclusively bought games on it since then.
If I made this chart, it would be HUGE
Get thee to playing Mass Effect!
Sims 3 in ok offended me
I rlly need a “good game, but not for me” list. So many games that I believe are objectively solid, but just can’t seem to enjoy…
Stardew Valley not being in the goated category? Straight to jail!
I can’t roast you, I’m too impressed that you actually have a steam library you can organize like this. Mine’s grown too much over the years with sales and stuff like Humble to keep track of 😅
I don’t need to read anything else. You didn’t adore nier automata. That will be prison for you m’dear.
I see that one night at the hot springs, one of the 1st LGBTQ directly centered games I played.
As someone who has a thousand hours poured into Dead by Daylight you put Hooked on You WAY TOO HIGH.Â
Friend. Are you okay?Â
(Actually I think it’s so funny and I bought it too and love that they made it because BHVR is so fun and they lean into the comedy of horror and I love it.)Â
Am I blind or did you not play Skyrim.
Otherwise i think your taste is fine, a shame though Nier:Automata didn’t klick for you.
A year of springs is goated
me looking at sims 4 in the lowest tier: ;-;
You should skip the first Witcher game it’s basically unplayable