
I asked his friend to swap in OW2 *TW*

I asked his friend to swap in OW2 *TW*

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  1. I asked his friend to swap from Widow/Ashe because they had dive and one of the dmg died almost immediately every fight. I swapped multiple times as the tank and was trying to win lol. I wasn’t even talking to this guy, he was the support on the team clearly defending his duo who freaked out when I asked for a swap and gave suggestions.

    Guy took it super personally and the enemy team was even defending me in this game because of course they took it to all chat to attack me. I wasn’t in voice chat, but I defended myself and pretty much said “have fun in plat support, I wouldn’t even be in your queue” because I’ve been diamond/master support for seasons, when he added me and could see my profile I guess that hit a special nerve lmao.

    I love how when we mention this happening it somehow ends up with “I’ve never seen this before?!” – I’ve certainly experienced enough of this.

  2. Some OW players are really no better than COD or Val, OW2 going free to play only brought more of them into the player base too. Disgusting pigs. I’m glad you called them out for playing like shit it clearly bruised their egos.

  3. You need to report him. That he send you a friend request to harass you, means he is silenced. If he does it often he should be banned for some time..
    Also I don’t accept friend request after a bad game bc I know some people have the intention to harass you.

  4. Fun fact is that the most low level player on the line up always end up being the most delusional if not an absolute ashole. As to compensate.

    Hiding the chat (especially when in plat/diamond) has been the most useful tip for my mental health.

  5. Why they always have to bring up r*p* it always disgusts me. I had someone say I sounded fat once and they weren’t completely being rude it was the only thing that was mentioned but I’m like that’s so ridiculous, really how does someone ‘sound’ fat and also not something they should say anyway. I don’t get why that matters so much.

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