
Just a reminder that the second screenshot is the REAL issue men are having when female characaters are “uglified”. (Concord)

Just a reminder that the second screenshot is the REAL issue men are having when female characaters are “uglified”. (Concord)

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  1. Imagine if people got this mad over the overwhelming number of male characters who are just average looking and not extremely hot.( Jason Brodyfron far cry, every male character from the gta series, every dude in elder scrolls, etc.) What a non-issue.

  2. Couldn’t make a text post, but to add: 

    I agree with most of the reviews of concord being an extremely generic fps game that is very unlikely to stick in the gaming community, but besides the gameplay the second biggest reason why the game is being hated on is because of the design of the characters (particularly female.) And third following is the use of pronouns in the game. Screenshots above are a great reminder men whole heartedly believe that one of the qualities a game must have to be worthy of success is overly sexualized female characters that cater to the male gaze.

    I genuinely believe even if the gameplay was just as it is now (mediocre and reflective of a game you would see in the background of a movie) the community would still be more accepting and willing to play if the female/non binary characters looked like they were from stellarblade.

  3. These kind of guys are so deeply entrenched in their addiction it’s disturbing. Get some real help and quit that cr*p smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ we don’t exist to look good for you and our bodies are our OWN.

  4. I don’t get into porn (I would only even consider it if i could be sure the people involved were doing it voluntarily and in control of their own bodies and boundaries which is in general hard to verify but obviously does happen),   or video game porn (which weirds me  out but at least the risks to real humans are lower), but if i did I would absolutely rather look at the realistic adult human women in more modern games than some childlike cartoon. Like all the examples those dudes will give of ugly women are like, realistic but still really beautiful and/or interesting, or their physical traits relate to life experiences like scars, aging, etc. People are diverse and you can see beauty in a lot of people if your mind isn’t closed off. And not everyone needs to be beautiful to every person anyway. I’m gay but I can recognize the beauty of men when they have it, but a lot of video game guys aren’t particularly pretty, because that’s not a requirement for good characters.

  5. God, men and people in general who think like this, it’s so fucking disgusting it makes me nauseated. Like holy fuck, you really just said if a character looks unpornable it’s woke and dei. How many more braincells can you lose

  6. Idk anything about this game and I took a look at the character roster and didn’t find a single character who suits my tastes. I think a good compromise would be to include some good looking characters to the roster so people that like attractive characters wont complain.

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