
Some sexist cringe from Dragon Magazine 2002

Some sexist cringe from Dragon Magazine 2002

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  1. Gross.

    Fortunately, the ttrpg community has (far too gradually) drifted away from the ‘we define ourselves in part as exluding women from our activities’ of previous decades.

    I read recently Hasbro estimates upwards of 45% of current D&D 5e players are women. I wonder how long it will take before the vestiges of table top misogyny finally boil down the base minimum of the shittiest of people?

  2. I was so interested in D&D when I first discovered such a thing existed back in university in the early 90s, but it was so utterly boys clubby with metaphorical “girls aren’t welcome here” signs every time I tried to get anywhere near a gaming group or club or game store or anything. So this nonsense surprises me not at all.

    Funnily enough, every single male geek friend that I have now of a similar age to me claims “but we totally would have welcomed women into our gaming groups”. Sure guys, sure.

  3. Nostalgic lol.

    Any other oldies remember those ancient times? It was the best of times (feature complete games, no mtx, very little to no bugs) and it was the worst of times (see: example).

    Even Nintendo, the family friendly company, had several advertisements that very targeted to guys.

  4. I wonder how it felt to be Jill Stark. Did she think this was funny? Did she think she *should* think it’s funny? It’s a genuine question—it must have been interesting, at best, to be a woman working in the industry at the time. I imagine there was a lot of cognitive dissonance going on.

  5. I hate this shit. I was playing DnD in the late 80s/early 90s and the guys i played with (few different groups) did not have this attitude.

    A few years ago I read a book where the author joked how there were no women in the DnD club of a specific big east coast university in the late 80s. I was in the DnD club of that university in the late 80s and I wasn’t the only woman there either. It was fiction so he wasn’t technically lying but it pissed me off.

  6. if it helps you feel a little less bad about it, it was ridiculously easy to get approved for publishing something for dragon magazine back then, I even know some guys from discord who personally wrote a couple articles that got published

  7. hah! jokes on them! My SO is the one who got me into gaming!

    ngl reading that first part i was thinking about MM from the boys, so i failed to see the issue……………..till i read the next paragraph, ugh….

  8. LOL wow! Brazzen! More like just typical stupidity I’ve seen over the years. We must rise above the stupid and show them how it’s done. It’s obvious to me these kinds of articles just keep the division going and so many fall for it (mostly males, the Andrew Tate variants and the like). Truth be told, everyone starts out female in the womb, and then that deteriorating y chromosome kinda happens, and I readily remind the male species when needed of their origins.

    Please try not to let this lowlife trigger any of us.

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