
Stellar Blade Petition to uncensored lol

Stellar Blade Petition to uncensored lol

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  1. This is so stupid. Don’t they have anything better to do.

    “Stellar Blade is more than a game, it has become a cultural beacon for freedom of expression in a time where Game Publishers like Sony are censoring games more than ever.”

    Like, how can you say something like this? It’s so pathetic.

  2. someone shared this in a discord and I just can’t believe. The page allows people to upload videos with their messages. Lmaooo I’m sorry I just can’t help to laugh…. you are mad cause you can’t see more skin or a body in a game? then they try to compare it to BG3, cyberpunk or other games with different developers/publishers lmaoo I just can’t. I had to scroll about to 30 people before I found a woman making a comment. Her respond even sounds forced lol. This is just pathetic….

  3. These people are something else. Sony is censoring games? Imagine if seeing a bit less video game cleavage than advertised was the worst thing to happen to you this year. What really kills me is that these are the same ignorant pricks that hated TLOU2, a brilliant and emotional game mostly about two women surrounded by violence and tragedy. One is a lesbian but is never sexualized, is complex, vicious, and fueled by hatred. The other is a literal post-apocalyptic soldier who can bench press 400 lbs and has a decidedly uncomfortable and intense sex scene. They hate Abby because the character is a fully-realized and somewhat intimidating woman, and not a jiggly anime girl in spandex. I am seeing a bit of a pattern here. The sad part is Stellar Blade looks cool to me but I won’t even play it now.

  4. The only way I can understand this is a society that has an unspoken and unregulated porn addiction that berates and dehumanizes people. I dont understand the strong visceral reactions to the smallest censorship. A little less cleavage and a little less blood just to slightly tone down the sex appeal and gore and these people act as if theyve been shackled. Theres no freedom or empowerment in constantly exposing ourselves to sex and violence in media. Obviously we dont have to play the game but I think the negative reaction to the censorship should be studied to better understand why people crave and need fan service and gore so badly. The character is still heavily sexualized. The game is still bloody. And whats even more annoying is that these same people will go on and mod game characters to make them more sexual and bloody in games that dont depict those things. Why cant they stop.

  5. If only they organized this much over real, discriminatory censorship like homosexual couples and trans representation.

    Their “freedom of expression and creativity” is just sex. Which is everywhere.

  6. Why would they think Sony would ever care about a Change org Petition? I am sure it was probably done in response to government regulation so I doubt they could change it. They say the reason why they want to un-censor is due to freedom of expression but I’m pretty sure that these people would complain about any game that features LGBTQIA+ Ideas/Images.

  7. I love how this is where those dudes draw the line. so many bad things going on in the industry, this isn’t even censorship but of course to them it is, and this! this is the biggest problem in the industry and they gotta create a petition for it. i’m over here thinking like why? Porn exist, hell Porn games exist, why do you need mainstream coomer games, that mind you give these characters no agency in their sexualization and want us to take their stories seriously? Their priorities are comical.

  8. Honestly, are we surprised gamers don’t have a life?
    I’m a gamer too, but I got shit going on instead of sitting in my room thinking how Stellar Blade has a “cultural impact” or whatever these fucking incel losers are saying.

    It’s digital boobies, why do they care? Whenever the game comes out on pc, they can mod it to however they want.

  9. This was bound to happen to because these idiots built their entire online identity around the game pissing off those they consider “woke” so now that it hasn’t been horribly reviewed they had to find something else to gripe about. Most of these folks are suckers who are being influenced by the grifter that used to work at work at Blizzard a long time ago because he wants to be their new influencer and fleece more money out of people based on the fact that he worked on WOW. It’s best to just ignore them.

  10. Just when you think they’ve found the absolute limit of dumb male entitlement, they soar to even greater heights. (Yes yes I know it’s because of the rightwing online outrage machine that needs men to feel marginalized and victimized by video games occasionally considering that other types of players might also have money.)

    I’m pretty sure the no censorship thing was about gore in Japan, not a leotard becoming marginally less revealing.

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Consensus is that there’s a market for “small girls” but not much for “small boys”… no matter which, there’s a lot of ick 🤪🤪🤪

It’s my first time romancing Garrus, so I made a little meme video. Wait to the end to hear it.