
Threats in game towards woman

Hey guys

If I'm not allowed to post this please delete mods and I do apologise.

Yesterday I made a post about being threatened in game with sexual violence and Xbox not taking in seriously.

With some lovely supportive comments I did decide to go to twitter so I want to thank everyone.

My only thing is my post got shared to the most gross community I've encountered and any support against this Id appreciate because I dont want to back down and I know it's an issue in the gaming community so I don't want to stand silent. I don't want follows just if you want to could you share please

I'm not much of a twitter user, it's not really a massive thing in my country and I don't want this post to get stuck just on these sexist jerks. I usually wouldn't ask but I'm a bit bombarded with them.

Any support appreciate and if I wasn't allowed to post this I'll 100% remove it.

Find More Gamer Girl Thots On: SorryMother OF Leaks


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  1. I’m not on Twitter, but I want to say

    1. Thank you for speaking up

    2. I’m so sorry speaking up always comes with a price

    3. You are absolutely, 100% valid

    4. The audacity of whoever is working your case at XBOX-support is *outrageous* – and telling. A patronizing explanation on what gaming banter is… yeah, smells like gamerbro…

    Make a stink, cause a ruckus! They should not get to ignore this.

    (PS – I don’t know how Twitter works and whether reuploads on the same post are a thing – but you got autocorrected/mistyped “appalled” as “appealed” in your statement. The meaning 100% comes across but I thought I’d mention it just in case.)

  2. OP I just want to say you’re a very respectful person. Whenever someone says the tiniest of hurtful things I just end up leaving entire communities tbh but you’re fighting back and know that you’ve got my full support ❤️

  3. I don’t even know why I replied, but I did. I am in support of banning shitty men from gaming. Shitty anyone, but it’s dominated by men.

    I’ve been gaming since the 80s. It has not always been quite this bad. There was some trash talk, but not really threats.

    I can’t use comms because I’ll just get a lot of misogynist crap thrown my way. It should never be that way. And it wasn’t always, but it just gets worse and worse…

    I’m with you. All of you.

  4. I’ve posted 4 times about this on my Threads account now and it just seems like no one cares, and I’m growing angrier by the moment about it. My only suggestion is to keep being loud about this, maybe post the video / audio of them being terrible (blank out names and any identifying info, for now at least) so others (who never seem to believe women when this shit happens to them – and men wonder why you all choose the bear) can see/hear the evidence. 

    IG / Threads is also a place to try. I hate Twitter, have been banned for a few years and won’t go back, but Threads is growing as a replacement, and the community I’ve curated is very much pro-bear, pro-feminism, etc. And there’s plenty of women gamers posting. 

    Anyway, again, I’m sorry you can’t seem to get anything done about this, but me and others are trying. I guess it just says a lot about how big corporations don’t actually care about their users, only making profits. 

    (I’ve just canceled my Game Pass subscription, and since I primarily game on PC, I’ll probably just sell the Xbox and keep the PS5 to collect dust)

  5. I’m really sorry that you’re having to experience the gross communities of twitter. The place is such a pit of yuck these days.

    Edit: I signed in and gave you a retweet and saw some of those comments that were left on your post. Holy shit these people have no empathy.

  6. Holy crap.
    The knuckdraggers in the comment section of your tweet are INSANE!!

    The amount of salty men crying that women play games would be absolutely hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact that there’s so many!! How concerning that they genuinely think this is okay?!?

  7. This right here is why i’m so afraid, as a trans woman, to speak up and out myself. Because of shit like this. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this ❤️ Xbox is such trash, so are it’s gamers, but that’s male gamers in general I’ve found.

  8. Post this info to the tik tok hackers. I’ve seen them do some good on social media. Also fuck Xbox and their BS. I’m about to ban them from my household. I personally would Start calling them out on all their social media with proof.

  9. I wish in could help you, but i got banned on twitter a year or two ago? It was shorty after the rebranding. Tried to make a new account since then but it seems they ip banned me.

    I told a friend of mine to comment and retweet. I really hope this gets more attention, something has to change.

    You should be proud of yourself for posting this and for doing the right thing. I don’t know if i had the strength to do this (very thin-skinned).

  10. if it’s smth you are ok with sharing i would put the video on tiktok and hope it gets traction twitter sucks tbh

    people are normally really good about rallying behind people on the internet when it reaches the right audience on there

  11. Just found this post after I got threatened and screamed at in Apex. I didn’t even get to report because he was just so awful and threatening awful things. I wish Xbox took it more seriously, I wish a lot more people would take it seriously. 🫂

    I’d choose a bear.

  12. I don’t know who recommendet you to bring the issue to Twitter, but this happening should’ve been absolutely expected. Twitter was always problematic, but ever since Musk took over, it just became an actual shithole full of toxic right-wingers and other abusive people because they go completely unchecked there. There’s zero chance of any help coming from the official side regarding that community, and us being able to stem the tide is not much more likely either. The best thing you can do is to turn off notifications and forget about that app entirely, really.

  13. Yuck, looks like a lot of the stupid comments are just rage bait accounts, twitter isnt even a real website atp. Glad you raised some awareness though Im shocked that Xbox responded like they did, while stricter chat ban systems can be annoying they’re good in situations like this. So unacceptable for Xbox to say threats are banter.

  14. Yikes. I’m sorry. I got a lot of random bullying when I got back in gaming so support to you.

    (I didn’t know why and later did the math and realized I’d outed myself at some point as a lesbian prior to every situation I’d been bullied)

    But Yabai that is not ok.

  15. I just want to say this isn’t anything new. Back when the 360 was out I stopped playing online, especially using voice chat, because people were absolutely awful. I remember trying to play guitar hero online and it was insane how bad it was. I knew COD was bad, Halo was iffy, but I’d only play with my friends over LAN in the end. I didn’t expect Guitar Hero to be so crazy toxic.

    I still don’t play online unless I’m teamed with people I know. People can be such ass holes. I have a male name to go incognito and it helps a ton. It’s so freaking stupid. I’ve been playing games since I was a little kid, I have a huge collection of games, so many consoles and yet, because I’m a girl, people treat me like absolute crap for trying to enjoy them.

    I’m sorry you are struggling with this. Unfortunately nothing has been done in 15 or so years and you wouldn’t believe it’s actually better out there now than it was back then.

  16. Just wanna say I know it’s probably too late to repost but I think there was a typo where ‘appealed’ should’ve been ‘appalled’? But other than that. Wow. Did their customer service staff really get back to you saying telling someone you’re going to rape them is normal gaming banter?! WTF

    Edit: the amount of people who bought those silly twitter checkmarks making comments siding with the toxicity.. Yikes. That says a lot about their ego…

  17. I have now been reminded why I hate the gaming community as a whole… Sorry that you have to deal with all of this, it really sucks. That’s the reason why I stopped trying to peruse a pro career, the scene behind the curtains were often just as awful but more polite (“Women are inferior to men in gaming” type of guys were everywhere and constantly showed disrespect), and quit playing games where voice chat is integral for remaining competitively viable.

    I’m so tired of these types of men (also seen women that act like this but that’s like spotting a unicorn) and I feel like there are more of them as of late…

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