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    Very scary but girly horror games

    So I'm just getting started in the gaming world. I usually play stuff like Stardew Valley, The Sims 4, Cult of the Lamb… Ultimate I've gotten a bit more into FPS (I'm currently playing Fallout 4 and I'm loving it) and I'd like to continue exploring more in different genres. In general I love horror, […] More

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    a small rant about girly games

    Okay, before I start the rant, I just want to clarify that by "girly" I mean games specifically made with a more hyperfeminine art direction/aesthetic in mind, with the intention of appealing to a traditionally female demographic. Anyone can enjoy traditionally "girly" things like pink, sparkles, makeup and fashion. Unlike certain games, being feminine is […] More

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    Triple A girly game

    I have for such a long time been wanting a huge triple A girly game. Like GTA, but instead of becoming a gangster, it’s about becoming the next top model ( or something else “girly”). Like with sabotage, open world, clothes that look good, a good story, side quest etc. Every girl game is always […] More