The GameCube is just the goat! It hit that PERFECT sweet spot where games were really good mechanically and the graphics still hold up but it was RIGHT before the oversimplification and polishing of video games. The games didn’t baby you and hold your hand through every step. There was almost something mystical about how difficult some games were to progress in, it felt like sometimes the next step was straight up a secret and you needed to really explore and get lucky to move on. Also mechanically this was before games were buffered to hell to appease more casual audiences, allowing games to have such incredibly tight and reactive mechanics. Okay wow I just spat out an essay without even thinking 😅I’m just really passionate about the GameCube I still play more GC games than anything else to this day!
/me feels old.
I didn’t have a console when I was a kid, my parents couldn’t afford one. I got my first one at age 19, a 2600, before any of the ones in the picture were available.
the first ever console I got was the gamecube
Nintendo 64 and ps2 😭😭
PS2. (ps2,ps3,and ps4 are the only ones I had)
The Atari 2600 before it was renamed to the 2600.
ps1 and ps2 <3
ZX Spectrum ❤️
Wii 💔
The PS2, it was my only console but I loved it. Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank gives me big nostalgia
Does the tetris brick game thing count?
The GameCube is just the goat! It hit that PERFECT sweet spot where games were really good mechanically and the graphics still hold up but it was RIGHT before the oversimplification and polishing of video games. The games didn’t baby you and hold your hand through every step. There was almost something mystical about how difficult some games were to progress in, it felt like sometimes the next step was straight up a secret and you needed to really explore and get lucky to move on. Also mechanically this was before games were buffered to hell to appease more casual audiences, allowing games to have such incredibly tight and reactive mechanics. Okay wow I just spat out an essay without even thinking 😅I’m just really passionate about the GameCube I still play more GC games than anything else to this day!
It has to be game cube
Wii. The only one I had alongside my cheap chinese 100-in-1 handheld console :”)
/me feels old.
I didn’t have a console when I was a kid, my parents couldn’t afford one. I got my first one at age 19, a 2600, before any of the ones in the picture were available.
Game Boy color 🥹
I loved the gameboy, xbox 360, dsi, wii