*”If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear – whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. Iāve seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag’s heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me.”*
– The Nameless One, Planescape: Torment
**Pod 042:** I am embarrassed.
**Pod 153:** Why is that?
**Pod 042:** I launched a suicide attack, and yet here I am, still alive. I must look very silly.
**Pod 153:** Do not feel bad about it. We are alive, after all. And being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment.
“Well let’s see. You’ve berated me, repeatedly and often. You’ve lied to me. Mustered your incompetent wretches to try and kill me. But, sure, I’ll grant you that you’ve always kept most of your anger bottled up. All that’s about to change, then?”
Hades overall has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever heard in my life.
Anyway, when I saw Lightning’s quote I was immediately reminded of Edelgard’s from FE3H. Edelgard’s line was, “It’s not a question of can or cannot. All that matters is doing it and doing it right.”Ā
I also like this quote from Undertale – “Despite everything, it’s still you.”Ā
Metal Gear series as some of my fav. Not sure if you would call it a quote or a speech but:
Not really a spoiler but itās said near the end of mgs2 so read with care
>!Life isn’t just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies… what we’ve seen, heard, felt… anger, joy and sorrow… these are the things I will pass on. That’s what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.!<
āI lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin’ watched.ā
“Hesitate and you lose, that’sthe way of War”
“You Sir are a Fish”
“When I Was A Young Man, I Had Liberty, But I Did Not See It. I Had Time, But I Did Not Know It. And I Had Love, But I Did Not Feel It, Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three..”
“A happy ending? For folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people.”
“The glory of the heavens was ever beyond the grasp of those who never thought to reach for it. But if I’ve gained anything from all of this, it is the courage to stretch out my hand.” – G’raha Tia – FFXIV
“Know this my children. There is more ugliness than beauty in this world.
To live is to suffer. To drink of calamity and drown in anguish. To toil and be tested, always and ever.
‘Tis a perilous path you walk. Death lurks in the dark, and is the sole promise that awaits at journey’s end.
You will tremble with terror. You will weep tears of anger and despair
…but do not avert your eyes. See your life for what it is.
Then you will see how the hardships make you strong. Every doubt reforged as scales for your armor. Every agony to temper your blade.” – Prayer of Thavnair – FFXIV
“We’re not your animals! … Why do we have to suffer? Because you nobles deprive us our right to live!”
-Miluda, Final Fantasy Tactics, on the subject of the nobility hoarding all wealth for themselves after using the common people as soldiers and not even paying them for it
>”Listen, don’t obsess over words so much. Find the meaning behind the words, then decide. You can find your own name, and your own future, and whatever you choose will be you. I know you didn’t have much in terms of choices this time, but everything you felt, thought about during this mission is yours, and what you decide to do with them is your choice. A new name. New memories. Choose your own legacy. It’s for you to decide. It’s up to you.” – David Emmerich, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Hollow Knight spoiler: >!”No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void. You are the Vessel. You are the Hollow Knight.” – unclear (but likely the Pale King), *Hollow Knight*!<
“Be safe friend. Don’t you dare go hollow.” – Laurentius, *Dark Souls*
“What would you do if you had an eternity to do nothing but wait? Do you keep busy, do you daydream, do you freak out? He trained.” – The Voice, *Furi*
“All that you touch, you change.” – Mr Crow, *Cube Escape Seasons*
“And it was not their force of will – not their Void devilry – not their alien darkness… it was something else. It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing– And take away its pain.ā
āEvery journey has its final day. Don’t rush.ā
“Resignation is my virtue; like water I ebb, and flow. Defeat is simply the addition of time… to a sentence I never deserved… but you imposed.”
āHehe, I… I’m afraid I can’t. I won’t be flying anymore.ā āBut… why?ā ā…I guess I already touched the sky.ā
Usurper slain, an empty throneĀ theĀ crown lies covered in blood. Power is its own reward andĀ we haveĀ just begun.Ā SoĀ grabĀ your blade,Ā the timeĀ has comeĀ we only have each other. (DMC5 SE secret ending)
Reasons? … none, really. I can do it and I guess … that’s my reason? (P4G, Tohru Adachi)
I’m so sorry. But… “Congratulations!!! You are the millionth miner to enter this cave! You win a prize! What’s the prize you ask? Why. It’s a Glyyyyyphid Dreadnought!”
“In war, victory; in peace, vigilance; in death, sacrifice.”
Dragon Age: Origins
“Does this unit have a soul?”
Mass Effect 2 / 3.
“It always had a soul. The question is the answer.”
Dragon Age: Inquisition.
“Sunrise Parabellum”
Disco Elysium.
“What is madness but a denial of reality?”
Baldur’s Gate 3.
“It’s like weĀ live inĀ a room, andĀ there isĀ a poster onĀ the wall. WeĀ stare atĀ it, andĀ we think that’s theĀ whole world ā theĀ room andĀ the poster. ButĀ it’s allĀ aĀ lie. Something toĀ distract usĀ from theĀ truth. They’re lying toĀ us. We’re lying toĀ ourselves. TheĀ room’s notĀ the world. The world isĀ much bigger andĀ much stranger. There’s aĀ hole hidden behind that poster that leads toĀ the real world. And sometimes… Sometimes, something crawls outĀ from behind theĀ poster.” […]
āAs a child, i considered such unknowns sinister. Now, though, I understand they bear no ill will. The universe is, and we areā Solanum, Outer Wilds
“If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?” – Ardbert, FFXIV: Shadowbringers
*”You and me, we’re more ghosts than people.”*
– Arthur Morgan, Red Dead Redemption II
*”If there is anything I have learned in my travels across the Planes, it is that many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear – whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can. Iāve seen belief move cities, make men stave off death, and turn an evil hag’s heart half-circle. This entire Fortress has been constructed from belief. Belief damned a woman, whose heart clung to the hope that another loved her when he did not. Once, it made a man seek immortality and achieve it. And it has made a posturing spirit think it is something more than a part of me.”*
– The Nameless One, Planescape: Torment
**Pod 042:** I am embarrassed.
**Pod 153:** Why is that?
**Pod 042:** I launched a suicide attack, and yet here I am, still alive. I must look very silly.
**Pod 153:** Do not feel bad about it. We are alive, after all. And being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment.
– NieR: Automata
“Well let’s see. You’ve berated me, repeatedly and often. You’ve lied to me. Mustered your incompetent wretches to try and kill me. But, sure, I’ll grant you that you’ve always kept most of your anger bottled up. All that’s about to change, then?”
Hades overall has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever heard in my life.
“Sometimes the face we show the world needs to be one of strength, despite the chaos we harbor underneath.” – Myrrine (AC Odyssey)
“Be loyal to what matters.” – Arthur Morgan (RDR2)
[What is a man?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjYjUdMsf00)
[Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask if honor matters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGJkbjjRDDc)
[You exists because we allow it, you will end because we demand it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppQWYU2B7x8)
[What is love?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5cC467N_JI)
That last one is a classic haha.
Anyway, when I saw Lightning’s quote I was immediately reminded of Edelgard’s from FE3H. Edelgard’s line was, “It’s not a question of can or cannot. All that matters is doing it and doing it right.”Ā
I also like this quote from Undertale – “Despite everything, it’s still you.”Ā
“Selfish, I suppose, not to want to spend my entire life screaming on the inside.” Dorian from Dragon Age Inquisition, this line always gets me :’)
Metal Gear series as some of my fav. Not sure if you would call it a quote or a speech but:
Not really a spoiler but itās said near the end of mgs2 so read with care
>!Life isn’t just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies… what we’ve seen, heard, felt… anger, joy and sorrow… these are the things I will pass on. That’s what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The human race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.!<
“A corpse, should be left well alone”
āI lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin’ watched.ā
“Hesitate and you lose, that’sthe way of War”
“You Sir are a Fish”
“When I Was A Young Man, I Had Liberty, But I Did Not See It. I Had Time, But I Did Not Know It. And I Had Love, But I Did Not Feel It, Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three..”
“A happy ending? For folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people.”
āthis is the world for which you stand. you alone among the dead.ā
ārest in piss, shitbot.ā
ābeing smart will count for nothing if you donāt make the world better.ā
“The glory of the heavens was ever beyond the grasp of those who never thought to reach for it. But if I’ve gained anything from all of this, it is the courage to stretch out my hand.” – G’raha Tia – FFXIV
“Know this my children. There is more ugliness than beauty in this world.
To live is to suffer. To drink of calamity and drown in anguish. To toil and be tested, always and ever.
‘Tis a perilous path you walk. Death lurks in the dark, and is the sole promise that awaits at journey’s end.
You will tremble with terror. You will weep tears of anger and despair
…but do not avert your eyes. See your life for what it is.
Then you will see how the hardships make you strong. Every doubt reforged as scales for your armor. Every agony to temper your blade.” – Prayer of Thavnair – FFXIV
āDonāt be sorry, be betterā God of War 2018
“- What is the old Dalish curse? “May the Dread Wolf take you?”
– And so he did…” ;(
“Men, can’t live with them, can’t shoot them”
-Poinie’s Poin
Amonkira, Lord of Hunters. Grant that my hands be steady, my aim be true, and my feet swift. And should the worst come to pass, grant me forgiveness.
“War. War never changes.”
“It’s only when you fall you learn whether you can fly.”
“Seek strength; the rest will follow”
“A name you chose for yourself means more than what was just given in a time when you can’t even remember.”
“We’re not your animals! … Why do we have to suffer? Because you nobles deprive us our right to live!”
-Miluda, Final Fantasy Tactics, on the subject of the nobility hoarding all wealth for themselves after using the common people as soldiers and not even paying them for it
In unity lies resilience-Eulogia, FFXIV
>”Listen, don’t obsess over words so much. Find the meaning behind the words, then decide. You can find your own name, and your own future, and whatever you choose will be you. I know you didn’t have much in terms of choices this time, but everything you felt, thought about during this mission is yours, and what you decide to do with them is your choice. A new name. New memories. Choose your own legacy. It’s for you to decide. It’s up to you.” – David Emmerich, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Hollow Knight spoiler: >!”No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void. You are the Vessel. You are the Hollow Knight.” – unclear (but likely the Pale King), *Hollow Knight*!<
“Be safe friend. Don’t you dare go hollow.” – Laurentius, *Dark Souls*
“What would you do if you had an eternity to do nothing but wait? Do you keep busy, do you daydream, do you freak out? He trained.” – The Voice, *Furi*
“All that you touch, you change.” – Mr Crow, *Cube Escape Seasons*
and probably a bunch of quotes from Celeste…
Real darkness has love for a face.
Beg that I succeed. For I have seen the Throne of the Gods, and it was empty!
Corypheus – Dragon Age Inquisition
The whole monologue is just chef’s kiss šš
I’m gonna put it under a spoiler tag for those that want the whole experience
>! Pretender. You toy with forces beyond your ken. No more !<
>! Words mortals often hurl at the darkness. Once they were mine. They are always lies !<
>! Know me, know what you have pretended to be. Exalt the Elder One! The will that is Corypheus! !<
>! I do not know how you survived, but what marks you as ātouched.ā What you flail at rifts. I crafted to assault the very Heavens. !<
>! And you used the Anchor to undo my work! The gall! !<
>! I once breached the Fade in the name of another, to serve the Old Gods of the Empire in person !<
>! I found only chaos and corruption. Dead whispers. For a thousand years I was confused. No more !<
>! I have gathered the will to return under no name but my own. To champion withered Tevinter and correct this blighted world !<
>! Beg that I succeed. For I have seen the Throne of the Gods, and it was empty! !<
Like 70% of what the Ancestor says in Darkest Dungeon. Probably my favorite is: “You cannot learn a thing you think you know…”
*Clears throat*
. . .
“Catch a Riiiiidddeeeee!”
“And it was not their force of will – not their Void devilry – not their alien darkness… it was something else. It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing– And take away its pain.ā
āEvery journey has its final day. Don’t rush.ā
“Resignation is my virtue; like water I ebb, and flow. Defeat is simply the addition of time… to a sentence I never deserved… but you imposed.”
āHehe, I… I’m afraid I can’t. I won’t be flying anymore.ā āBut… why?ā ā…I guess I already touched the sky.ā
Usurper slain, an empty throneĀ theĀ crown lies covered in blood. Power is its own reward andĀ we haveĀ just begun.Ā SoĀ grabĀ your blade,Ā the timeĀ has comeĀ we only have each other. (DMC5 SE secret ending)
Reasons? … none, really. I can do it and I guess … that’s my reason? (P4G, Tohru Adachi)
I’m so sorry. But… “Congratulations!!! You are the millionth miner to enter this cave! You win a prize! What’s the prize you ask? Why. It’s a Glyyyyyphid Dreadnought!”
I didn’t know Uncle Rico was a guard in Skyrim
“In war, victory; in peace, vigilance; in death, sacrifice.”
Dragon Age: Origins
“Does this unit have a soul?”
Mass Effect 2 / 3.
“It always had a soul. The question is the answer.”
Dragon Age: Inquisition.
“Sunrise Parabellum”
Disco Elysium.
“What is madness but a denial of reality?”
Baldur’s Gate 3.
“It’s like weĀ live inĀ a room, andĀ there isĀ a poster onĀ the wall. WeĀ stare atĀ it, andĀ we think that’s theĀ whole world ā theĀ room andĀ the poster. ButĀ it’s allĀ aĀ lie. Something toĀ distract usĀ from theĀ truth. They’re lying toĀ us. We’re lying toĀ ourselves. TheĀ room’s notĀ the world. The world isĀ much bigger andĀ much stranger. There’s aĀ hole hidden behind that poster that leads toĀ the real world. And sometimes… Sometimes, something crawls outĀ from behind theĀ poster.” […]
“Tis your birth and faith that wrong you, not I” – Final Fantasy Tactics
“Listen to my story. This…may be our last chance”
-Tidus, Final Fantasy X
“You gonna stand there and pretend you can’t hear the planet crying out in pain?!”
-Barret, Final Fantasy VII
“The past can bind a man as surely as irons”
Reddas, Final Fantasy XII
āAs a child, i considered such unknowns sinister. Now, though, I understand they bear no ill will. The universe is, and we areā Solanum, Outer Wilds