dragon age 2/3, baldur’s gate 3, life is strange; true colors, final fantasy x-2, final fantasy xii, kingdom hearts 1, 2 and birth by sleep, dragon quest viii
Pokemon Platinum because it brings me back to those childhood days when my life felt so free and I had a kind of peace that I hopelessly try to replicate as I replay it again and again…
(Also the pokemon are the cutest on Gen4. Cherubi, pachirisu, Piplup, Shaymin and manaphy forever in my teams. Idc for the team composition I just love them)
Dragon Age 2 (literally unburied it recently), Jade Empire, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (or Re-Reckoning), ME: Andromeda… that are the ones coming to mind immediately xD
One day it’ll be me and BG3, but I’m still working on it. There are other games I’ve played a second time through to the end, but I’ve never been obsessed with a game like this before!
Stardew valley
Dragon Age, Skyrim, FF13.. because who needs to finish their backlog?
Dragon Age (especially Origins)
Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077, and Fallout 4.
Mass Effect Trilogy Forever
Bloodborne when I had a PS4. I’m really tempted to get one again just for that one game.
Elden Ring, Mass Effect trilogy, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Dragon Age 🫣 (I will not apologize! 😆)
I’ve just realized I’ve never beaten a game in my life. I blame ADHD.
Witcher 3
Tomb Raider Legend. It’s just a perfect snack of a game.
dragon age 2/3, baldur’s gate 3, life is strange; true colors, final fantasy x-2, final fantasy xii, kingdom hearts 1, 2 and birth by sleep, dragon quest viii
Most people outside central Europe don’t know about those games, but:Gothic 1 and 2
FFX, my favorite game of all time. The only thing I hate is getting Lulu’s ultimate weapon piece.
Silent hill 2 and 3. Resident evil 2 and 4.
Stardew, Skyrim, and the first three Spyros
Life is Strange for me, I had a year where I replayed that game a dozen or so times lol. So much so that some voice lines started to get grating 😔
Celeste, Enter the Gungeon, Donkey Kong Country
Mass Effect Trilogy, Fallout 4, Assassin’s Creed 2, Skyrim…..
Dead Space & Dead Space 2, used to be annual playthroughs for me with both 😅
Spyro 2&3
Splinter Cell 3 (and 2)
Time Splitters Future Perfect
Klonoa Door to Phantomile
Crash Team Racing
Ive beat all of these too many times to count
Fallout 4, Skyrim, zelda BotW, Zelda WW, Zelda TP, Zelda OoT, Zelda MM, pokemon Soul Silver, Baldur’s Gate 3….
Witcher 3, Dark Souls 3, and Sekiro
Uncharted series and Mass Effect 😄
Batman Arkham games all four, spiderman, ghost of Tsushima
I’m definitely an outlier, for me its Chicken Invaders 5, i just cant pass by it in my library lol
Pokemon Platinum because it brings me back to those childhood days when my life felt so free and I had a kind of peace that I hopelessly try to replicate as I replay it again and again…
(Also the pokemon are the cutest on Gen4. Cherubi, pachirisu, Piplup, Shaymin and manaphy forever in my teams. Idc for the team composition I just love them)
The stanley parable? Although that’s kind of the point of the game
Bg3, Ff7, FFX, sonic 2, civ 5/6
Dragon Age 2 (literally unburied it recently), Jade Empire, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (or Re-Reckoning), ME: Andromeda… that are the ones coming to mind immediately xD
One day it’ll be me and BG3, but I’m still working on it. There are other games I’ve played a second time through to the end, but I’ve never been obsessed with a game like this before!
X-Com 2 with War of the Chosen. Even mentioning it I’m considering a new run.
Pokemon. It’s been more than a decade but I still go back to beat my favourite games from the series every year or two.
I play “Bully” at least twice a year, I can’t not play it
Also those from the Persona saga but I usually let a little time pass before resuming