Favorite underrated video game characters? For me it’s this unit of a woman, former leader of paramilitary shoreline, Nadine Ross. (Uncharted 4/lost legacy)
Favorite underrated video game characters? For me it’s this unit of a woman, former leader of paramilitary shoreline, Nadine Ross. (Uncharted 4/lost legacy)

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abby last of us. everyone hated that poor woman for no reason 😭
I will never ever shut up about Sosa in Yuppie Pyscho.
My first idea was to say Lucca in Chrono Trigger because I just assumed that a nerdy non sexualized girl character would not be popular but after a quick search, she’s in most people top 3 favourite character in the game…
Ashley from RE4 remake, I’m very fond of her personality and design. Not to mention she is very relatable in the segment where you play as her lol.
rei kurosawa from fatal frame 3