
Who are your video game crushes?

I've had a few over the years but these are my main 4 (yes I love Mortal Kombat.) Who are yours?

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  1. Oh man, over the years there have been so many! 😄😅 Mostly the love interests of the game I was currently playing but sometimes the looks or personality of a character also won me over. I’ll try to keep it to just 4 as well so here we go:

    1. Fenris from Dragon Age 2

    He’s just such a good character, with a complex story and personality and when he smiles at my Hawke I get weak in the knees lol. Every time I replay DA2 I tell myself this time we will romance someone else and THEN!! It’s just not possible lol. Also props to the VA because half of his appeal is his voice for me. Also, let’s be real, he’s SOOOO pretty 😍

    2. Connor from Assassins Creed 3

    Big and tall and shy and with such a big heart? Also fighting so hard for what he believes in and never giving up no matter how much he suffers? There was no way I wouldn’t fall head over heels for him 😄😍

    3. Astarion from Baldur’s Gate 3

    Everyone’s favorite boy right now and for a good reason. He’s pretty, he’s snarky and he has a tragic back story that he heals and grows from and he’s just. Such a well written character!! Also SOOOO PRETTY it’s unfair, how did graphics get so good 😩🥵

    4. Garrus from Mass Effect

    Say what you will about Bioware but they do (did?) know how to write good characters. I never thought I could be attracted to a weird bird/dinosaur/lizard looking alien yet here we are. He’s just such a delightful mix of competent/confident and awkward/dorky that I just feel drawn to him every single time. He’s funny too and that’s always a sure way to get me to like a character.

    Honorary mention to Cloud from Final Fantasy 7: I’m playing the remake version right now (first time playing ff7 ever) and he’s just so cute, no wonder all the girls in the game fawn over him like. ME TOO BESTIE 😅 The graphics upgrade definitely did him well and as soon as I saw him smiling like THAT at Jessie when they leave the reactor at the beginning of the game I was sold.

    (wanted to insert a gif but I can’t, why not reddit, you’re mean 🥺)

    edit: grammar

  2. Wyll from BG3, his voice is gorgeousss, and when you change his hairstyle to long dreads….omgggg

    It sucks that people say he isn’t well-written (why do they always do this to POC characters?? At this point, it feels like it’s done on purpose to help fuel a racist agenda, imo :/ But then also, if Shadowheart happened to be black with the same story and quality of voice acting… something tells me she wouldn’t be anywhere near as loved >:( and she would instead be as hyper criticised as Wyll is )

    But anyway, he’s hottt

  3. Lesbian only lol but here are my crushes.

    1. Lara Croft – Tomb Raider
    2. Aloy- Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West
    3. K/DA – League of Legends
    4. Ciri – The Witcher 3
    5. Kassandra – Assassins Creed Odyssey
    6. Eivor Female Protaganist – Assassins Creed Valhalla.
    7. Shadowheart – Baldurs Gate 3
    8. Panam – Cyberpunk (I wish they made her dateable as a woman protagonist)

    Also because they are all bad AF, beautiful and some of the best characters. 🥰

  4. * Sephiroth (FF7), all time favorite
    * Zack (FF7)
    * Cloud (FF7)
    * Majima (Yakuza series, but especially 0, the long hair just does it for me)
    * Kiryu (Yakuza series)
    * Akiyama (Yakuza series)
    * Ignis (FF15), I was especially down bad for him in 2016-17
    * Alexios (AC Odyssey)
    * Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
    * Geralt (TW3)
    * Zagreus (Hades)
    * Connor (D:BH)

    There are more tbh. And I haven’t played BG3 yet, but I feel like I’m gonna be absolutely feral for either Astarion or Gale. Or both.

    Honorary mention to Tifa (FF7) but I think it’s more of a “I want to be her” with her. She’s my ultimate gym motivation and I love her.

    Edit, because I can’t believe I forgot about self-insert VNs:

    * Julian/Ilya (The Arcana)
    * Zayne (Love and Deepspace), this one is pretty new

  5. I fell hard for Emet-selch during Shadowbringers 😳

    specifically the scene where >!he shows up and saves the WoL in Elidibus’ fight and does his hand wave thing…. And I know the WoL player character is theorized to have a shard of an ascian’s soul so like there’s a chance right?? 😅!<

  6. My “I can fix them” attitude drives me towards Gortash from Baldurs Gate 3 and… and I really don’t want to say it… Micah Bell from Red Dead Redemption 2 xD Characters like these are just more interesting to me.

    Edit: I forgot Zenos from Final Fantasy XIV.

  7. Phoenix Wright, my most beloved. ❤️♥️💙💜

    But aside from him who’s always number one on my list, *at the moment*, Astarion & Gale from BG3, and Takemura from Cyberpunk 2077. I don’t even like any of the actual romance options in CP2077 so I’m still mad he wasn’t an option. I can’t help shipping him with V. 😩

    I also love practically every other Assassin’s Creed protagonist. There’s never been an unattractive AC protag.

  8. I’m gay, so I’ll be a good sport and not post any images here, but the first one I remember having was sex symbol Mai Sheranui from the Fatal Fury games. I drew her so much prior to my egg cracking that it was kind of funny, in retrospect.

  9. Everyone in BG3, e.g. Astarion, Minthara, Shadowheart with white hair, Karlach, Halsin, Gale if he doesn’t talk, Lakrissa & Alfira, Orin, Gortash with my eyes closed, the Drow twins, mommy Jaheira, Mizora + Wyll but only together, Isobel & Aylin, Lae’zel, etc.

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