Our delivery witch adventure has a release date! Mika and the Witch’s Mountain will come on August 21st
Our delivery witch adventure has a release date! Mika and the Witch’s Mountain will come on August 21st

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Hi! Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is and little adventure about a young witch that delivers packages on an island. It’s inspired by Kiki’s Delivery Service and Wind Waker, and it’s coming to [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1819460/Mika_and_The_Witchs_Mountain/) and Nintendo Switch on August 21st.
Looks pretty cute. I’ll pick it up.
Looks very cozy and the art is so cute. I see there’s a demo on Steam, I will be trying it on my free time. Congrats for the game!
I kickstarted this! I’ve got my Mika figure on my desk. Super excited for the game!
You had me on “play as a witch” and “cute art style”! This looks delightful! Definitely a switch kind of title, like A hat in time.
I see a frog chair!
I can’t wishlist it on eshop for Switch? Am I missing something? I don’t want to forget about it and I live and die by my wishlist lol
this looks so cute, gl on the release!!!
Ooh, I’ve been wanting like, exactly this from a game for ages. This looks amazing! 😀
Will there be a physical release for the game ? I want it on the shelf 🤩