
Unbelievable frustration

Yes we all know Elon is not the brightest bulb whatsoever but this is just beyond insulting towards women and poc in the gaming industry. And at 66K likes, really? Sexism and racism towards white men is about the smallest problem you could find here. Majority of game developers ARE white men, partially because of how toxic the environment is towards people who are NOT white men.

Both the gaming industry and gaming culture is rife with sexism and harassment towards women and poc. Blizzard and Riot are hugely successful gaming companies and they are still rotted with sexual harassment and bullying, even to the point that a female Blizzard employee killed herself from it. Gamergate set women in gaming back even further and we can still see its toxic effects today. I personally face regular sexist harassment in games just for using my voice and I see and hear people using sexist racist slurs on the daily in games, 99% of it is from men.

I could bring up way more examples but I don’t think I have to here, we all know. I just wanted to vent honestly, I’m beyond sick of this mindset that white men are the oppressed victims when they generally are the oppressors of the gaming community.

F Elon and everyone with this delusional mindset.

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  1. Did you expect a guy who was given the privilege to get top of the line education thanks to his daddy’s emerald mine in Zambia and then bought fresh thinking companies before tacking his name onto the end product and taking the credit *wouldn’t* have shitty views?

    Twitter is a waste of time and energy, elon even more so. Don’t use that garbage platform any more tbh.

  2. Girlie.. the dude posted about black people being “dumber” than other races, he’s an open anti-semite, he boosted an anti gay “documentary” ON THE FIRST DAY OF PRIDE MONTH and he got disowned by his trans daughter for being a POS transphobe..

    You REALLY shouldn’t care about his stupidity

  3. Literally all the money and privilege in the world, and this is who he chooses to be as a person.

    I stopped using Twitter the day he bought it. I’ll never own a Tesla. My “give a fuck” ran out a long time ago on anything he opens his sexist, racist elitist mouth about.

  4. I mean, he’s a raging racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted antisemite who made his billions ripping ideas out from under other people and running away with their companies, all paid for by Apartheid blood emeralds. Did you really expect intelligent discourse?

    The guy thinks he’s Tesla reborn, when he’s actually Edison bought off Wish.

  5. One thing is really funny, see, these are the type of people to say stuff like “You wouldn’t survive an hour in a CoD lobby” with the intention of mocking somebody for being too sensitive or whatever. And yet, they think straight white men get bullied and excluded in the gaming industry of all places? Don’t get me wrong, Elon, but you wouldn’t survive an hour in a CoD lobby, you crybaby

  6. The original tweet in that quote chain is by the quartering, a guy who pisses in his basement while making YouTube videos ranting about the woke agenda.

    These people’s opinions are not worth caring about.

  7. i was around for gamergate the first time (it contributed to me leaving the industry behind), and i’m sad thinking about how the bigger names attached to it were just adam baldwin and the like, but now it’s one of the richest men in the world and he owns twitter.

    but it’s good to remember elon has many even dumber, more dangerous opinions, so this isn’t new, and he’s just one guy. they’re not going to win this time. within the industry itself, they don’t have any real support (which wasn’t the case ten years ago)

  8. Just wanna shout:

    # Reverse racism/sexism does not exist.

    …because racism/sexism is a systemic defect – not any single action in isolation.

    When you say a woman should toughen up/is too sensitive, you invoked a language with a history spanning centuries of oppression that reduces them into “emotional beings that can’t be trusted with any decision-making”.

    When you didn’t get hired due to affirmative action, or god forbid you get one less cis-straight white man in the MC cast, it’s just society trying to undo that same centuries of lost opportunity for other race/gender/etc to be represented economically or in art. You can’t hard work your way out of starting at level 1 with a club when everyone else start at 15 with decent gears.

  9. There’s no such thing as being racist towards a white person or being sexist towards a man, women and BIPOC don’t have the social power needed to do that. Even if I straight up said “I hate all men” it still wouldn’t be sexist, purely because I don’t have enough social power to actually make their life worse or to coerce them or anything like this.

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Good one

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